Yoni Herbs
All of our Yoni Steam Herb blends are handmade with unconditional love by our Goddesses at The Goddess Rooms in Ramsgate, Kent. In preparation we call in the Goddesses to work with us, to support, and nourish our herbs for all that use them. Each blend is made with tender loving care to support you on your Yoni Steam journey. Each bag will provide 2-4steams.
Mary Magdalene
Roses, Lavender & Lime Flower
Abundant Womb
Created with the intention of “Aligning the ancestral womb to love and abundance”. Here the intended work carried out is to go within through the maternal line of both past, present, future and all quantum aspects of your bloodline to heal all aspects of abundance and seal in the original sovereign energy, as you realign to ‘abundance is love’.
Yarrow Flower
Lemon Balm
Jasmine Essential Oil
Our ‘Balance Blend’ consists of a unique blend of herbs known to promote a regular menstrual cycle, Bring on a menstrual bleed for those who are irregular, Increase blood circulation to the vagina, Holistically improve the environment of your vagina, Balance hormones for conception, Aid natural fertility, Relaxing and Calming, Promote healing after birth
Sacred Moon
For the woman with challenging menstruation who is seeking support and relief from PMS symptoms, missing/irregular cycles, flow balance & fatigue; who desires to cleanse and renew her womb space from both emotional and physical toxins and impurities resulting from birth control devices/pills, antibiotics, hormones, past lovers and trauma. Our Sacred Moon Blend will deepen connection to her feminine essence and Gaia’s energy.
Lime Flower, Rose, Lavender, Chamomile, Mugwort & Jasmine Essential Oil
Birthing of new creations
This unique blend supports with fertility, love, purification, healing and unlocking a closed root chakra. Helping to connect to spirit, encourage prophetic dreams & assist with those wishing to connect and bond to their future babies.
Blue Cornflour
Fennel, Orange, Hibiscus